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Restoring headlights, trim, & Engine bay


Headlights and trim tend to get overlooked because most people are worried about the paint only. The sun does not discriminate and will equally fade out our headlights and trim giving them a dull or faded look.

No worries. We have a solution and future prevention available. 


Don't forget under the hood! 


Headlights restoration is a multi step process that includes multiple grit sand paper to remove the dead clear coat, polishing to enhance the clarity, and finally

2 year uv coating

Ceramic Trim Coat

Ceramic trim is ideally to prevent future fading. It can restore some faded trims.

1 year coating

Trim black dye

Most time trim is the first to go from too much sun. Dressing is to help prevent fading but will not hold on extremely faded trim. That where to dye comes in. Basically a box dye for your cars grays. 

No water contact for 24 hrs 

1 year treatment

Engine Bay

Deep cleaning your engine bay can make it easier to find oil leaks, wear & tear gaskets, keep pest out, and help overall performance by keeping dust away and hydrating plastics and rubber to reduce premature wear & tear. 

Multiply brushes used to get into hard to reach areas, degreased, foamed, blow dried, and dressed for a matte sheen 

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